reciprocating compressor valve station

Reciprocating Compressor Valve Station

fiber optic control system network

Fiber optic control system network design

HMI modifications to a plant blower control system

HMI modifications to a plant blower control system

Custody transfer meter run

Custody transfer meter run

PLC modifications and upgrades

PLC modifications and upgrades

Lare scale pipeline transfer system

Large scale pipeline custody transfer systems


Instrumentation & Controls

  • Execution of projects across a wide range of industrial facilities in brown and green-field environments.
  • Project support from concept (scoping) to commissioning.
  • Relay-based or PLC/DCS control systems.
  • Specifications, selection and procurement of all types of instrumentation and control system components.
  • Loop, I/O and telecommunication wiring diagrams.
  • Control narratives and diagrams (ESD, cause and effect, logic, control system architecture).
  • Control system and telecommunication cabinet layouts and associated wiring diagrams.


Scott Bouchard Instrumentation & Controls Department Head
